After having consumed the word “advisor” financial institutions started recently calling their own agents financial planners.

Life Centered Financial Planning

Of course, this is also just playing with words as in case of “advisor” where it solely meant one thing: I can give you advice in respect of products of the financial institution I work for and it will favour only us not you.The real meaning of financial planner at a financial institution is the following: we make a plan how your money becomes step by step our money.

A compass is of no assistance here

A compass is of no assistance here

Based on the following you can think it over what you should and can expect from your eventual financial planner.The following six points describe the desired activity:



Our purpose is to help you achieve the best life possible with the money you 
have. We will work in partnership with you, putting your life at the centre of 
our conversations. We will take time to understand YOU, your background, 
philosophy, needs and objectives so that we can help you put your money 
to good use. In so doing, we strive to provide you with a better 
Return on Life not just a better return on your investments.


We will help you get your financial house in order and help keep it that way. 
We will help provide for your lifetime income and expenditure needs and your 
tax planning, investments, protection and estate planning.


We help you follow through on your commitments by working with you 
to prioritize your goals, show you the steps you can take and regularly review 
your progress towards achieving them.


We provide insight to help you avoid emotionally driven decisions in important 
money matters. We are available to consult with you at key moments of decision making, doing the research to ensure you have all the necessary information.


We work with you to anticipate your life transitions and to be financially 
prepared for them by regularly assessing what is coming and creating the
action plan to address and manage these transitions ahead of time.


We explore the specific knowledge needed for you to succeed by first 
thoroughly understanding your situation, then providing the resources to 
help with your decision making. We explain the options and explore the 
risks associated with each choice.

Some of the services described above will not be rendered only by me hence the plural “we”.

Taking an analogy from the film industry if your life is a long movie directed by you, then I can play the role of the financial director who will always remind you the limits of the budget.

The financial director

is never visible, but you know he is always there whenever is needed. THE DIRECTOR is YOU.

Of course, according to Bloomsbury, a UK financial planner firm “ everybody needs a financial plan while not everybody needs a financial planner”.

The knowledge is freely available on the internet, in principle anybody can plan their financial life.

For those not wishing, able or willing to do so but interested to proceed we are at your disposal and there is a good chance to work together.

This also means we count on your active co-operation during our first meeting for which we will not charge any fee.The first hour spent together should be sufficient to find out whether there is a joint future for us as for any good deal two agreeing parties are needed.
